1 Plus one any thing This extension adds the ability to +1 most of the pages on the web,This extension is perfect for Google+ since it lets you share any page with your friends without waiting for the webmaster of the page to add the +1 button! Note that this wont work on private pages, when you visit a private page and try to +1 it the extension will show a red "!" exclamatory icon instead [ Install it ] 2 Surplus Surplus shows notification even if you are not in Google plus or other Google services , and on click it shows the notification in a pop up which is similar to the Google plus notification , you can post or respond within the pop up, other than that it shows Desktop notifications , have notification sound even you can switch between multiple accounts [ Install it ] 3 +Comment toggle +Comment Toggle hides any comments to posts within your Stream and makes them available if and when you actua...
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