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  1. Make you'r computer speak ~!
  2. Add Hit Counter in your Orkut about me column
  3. How to use Google for Hacking
  4. Worlds most advanced community software
  5. Get Google wave invitations
  6. Braking the xp password
  7. Manually Remove Viruses
  8. CAIN and ABEL Tutorial
  9. Google Real-Time Search Is Now Live
  10. 4 Ways to Create Bootable Live USB Drives (For Windows, Linux and Mac OS X)
  11. Install Chrome OS On A USB Stick
  12. Goggles Music Manager For Linux
  13. Create MATRIX Digital Rain
  14. Change Internet Explorer's Caption
  15. Disabling Display of Drives in My Computer
  16. Chaneg the homepage using CMD
  17. hack Windows XP Admin Passwords the easy way
  18. Get all PASSWORD in WINDOWS
  19. Add textarea in blog
  20. Open link in New Tab or Window
  21. Customizing the Right Click Context Menu of the Start Menu
  22. Ban Shutdown
  23. Edit Websites
  24. Post card Virus ~!
  25. Change the Drive icon
  26. Set background image in folder
  27. Set background image in drive
  28. Add Video in your Orkut about me column ~!
  29. Hack using pendrive !!
  30. Post html in Testimonial~!
  31. Change the font in about me column
  32. Change the theme of New Orkut Profile
  33. Post an Image in About Me of your profile in new orkut
  34. Get Invitations !!
  35. New Orkut !!
  36. Making Windows XP Start 60% Faster
  37. View Friends Scrap more Than the Limit
  38. How to Use Full Photo in Orkut rather than Cropping?
  39. Status bar tricks
  40. Hide drives
  41. Make pendrive your RAM computer
  42. why am i puting hackin tips ??
  43. Keylogging hacks
  44. Orkut Phishing
  45. Hack Orkut ID
  46. How to get in to a password protected computer !
  47. Hide your files in jpeg format computer
  48. Much Simpler trick to Hack admin from Guest computer
  49. Automatically close non-responsive programs
  50. Display Pentium 5 or more in windows Xp computer
  51. Block your enemies PC Block your enemies PC
  52. A virus that will open and close your CD rom
  53. Remove shut down option computer
  54. Create desktop icon for restart and shutdown computer
  55. Boom some ones pc


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